On Disagreement

This letter is not designed to make you feel comfortable. It is designed to pull you in new directions. I hope that some content inspires you and helps you feel closer to our Creator...

On Disagreement

Originally published in Issue #2 on April 9, 2021

This letter is not designed to make you feel comfortable. It is designed to pull you in new directions. I hope that some content inspires you and helps you feel closer to our Creator. But I also hope that some challenges your assumptions and stretches you. I hope that even if you decide that you ultimately disagree with me, or with some content in this letter (which are not the same thing!), you will come out with a firmer grasp of the topic and why people believe differently than you.

I am not saying that because there are different perspectives that we should just “agree to disagree” or ignore them. No. I am saying that we become better defenders of our beliefs when we more clearly understand the beliefs of those who disagree with us. Most of us have probably felt misunderstood at some point in our lives. It is not pleasant to have somebody put words into our mouths or for someone to claim you believe what you do not believe. Let us be good neighbors and charitable to those we disagree with and work to better understand them too.

The ability to challenge myself with ideas I don't agree with, even to the point of changing my mind is one of the most difficult skills I have ever learned, but it is also one of my most treasured skills. I do not agree with everything in all the content that I post, but I do believe that everything I post was worthwhile to engage with. I hope that you agree.